Lucia Adamičková

Job Position:

Landscape architect, designer, globe-trotter, founder of 'Tralalabka Landscapes' studio, author of 'Plant Your Desires: Expedition Into Your Inner Garden'. After graduation at FHLE, she worked in the Jacques Wirtza studio in Belgium, mainly on international projects of a larger format, in metropoles such as Shanghai, Singapore, London, New York. She currently works in Belgian Anverpas.

What gave me the study at FHLE:

"A good start up package that has made me feel practically painless in practice, and in it: a practical preview of reality by solving real projects during the studio classes, support in constructive thinking, many possibilities to travel, experiences and ties for a lifetime."

Lucia Badidová

Job Position:

Graphic designer of Christmas decorations in S.O.S. DECORATION. Every year, thanks to me as well, cities and business centres all over Europe and Russia are lit up for Christmas.

What gave me the study at FHLE:

"During my studies at FHLE I met great people who inspired me and encouraged to travel. In addition to amazing experiences, whether in horticulture or garden architecture, travels formed my perception of the surrounding world. It is like a never-ending story. Inspiring people attract others, and therefore I am grateful to FHLE for the beginning of my journey. "

Lukáš Berta

Job Position:

Co-owner of Winery Berta, winemaker and viticulturist.

What gave me the study at FHLE:

"Study at FHLE gave me great insight into my profession and not only there, I got a great bunch of friends and experiences."

Milan Beutelhauser

Job Position:

Director of the Plantago gardening center and ornamental nursery, the implementing company FlorUm.

What gave me the study at FHLE:

"... contacts, first international practices, friends from the professional background, supported my fervour for things ..."

Miroslava Danková

Job Position:

Landscape Architect at Wilhelm Büchel AG, Liechtenstein

What gave me the study at FHLE:

"Creative and inspirational time that has greatly influenced my approach to design, detail, nature, or environment ... what my interest in garden and landscape architecture, and how it can affect the environment we live in, the environment that shapes us, with increasing knowledge has increased. And, of course, friends for life."

Zuzana Jančovičová

Job Position:

Landscape designer at the B + B office in Amsterdam.

What gave me the study at FHLE:

"Study at FHLE gave me a good ground for travels abroad, enabled further study of landscape architecture and the possibility to secure a job on the Dutch labour market."

Martin Kolník

Job Position:

Arborist, consultant, self-employed person, founder of VELES (

What gave me the study at FHLE:

"I have learned to learn and know how to find information, also a myriad of information whether about trees or country I deal with as an arborist or landscape designer. I have to point out that the information from the Uni was just a stepping stone and things needed for the real life activities in the area were much more. And who stops learning and acquiring new information, he begins to stagnate and decline on the professional side."

Zuzana Mačugová

Job Position:

Landscape architect in the studio focused on the public space planning and conservation of green vegetation, Zurich, Switzerland. External collaboration with “Hurá do záhrady” - creation of 3D animations.

What gave me the study at FHLE:

"A great opportunity to travel abroad (Erasmus, CEEPUS, workshops) and further study in the field of landscape architecture and urbanism, cooperation with other professions (architect, urbanist, sociologist)."

Miroslav Naď

Job Position:

After graduation I worked for almost three years at the Beijing studio. Currently I am a freelance garden architect working in Slovakia. I focus on projecting and realizing family gardens.

What gave me the study at FHLE:

"Study at the faculty gave me background and initial insight into the area of my interest, new contacts, and the opportunity to study abroad via Erasmus programme initiated my love for the garden architecture."

Peter Pasečný

Job Position:

Partner in the landscape architectural studio 2ka with focus on creation of public spaces with an overlap to architecture and urbanism.

What gave me the study at FHLE:

"The basics of landscape architecture, ability to work independently, make efficient use of time, and in particular the possibility to study abroad under the Erasmus programme that fundamentally influenced my further career and lifestyle."

Lukáš Rábek

Job Position:

Garden Architect at Atelier Flera. Besides designing and visualizing gardens, I focus mainly on designing small and more demanding garden buildings.

What gave me the study at FHLE:

"Especially great friends and colleagues. Definitely support and quick start in my professional life. FHLE, thank you! "

Valéria Valková

Job Position:

Horticultural specialist for orchid and greenhouse cultivation at the Royal Gardening Company in Wisley Gardens in the UK, also worked as a botanical horticulturist in Kew Royal Botanical Gardens, London, and as a gardener in the historic garden of Gravetye Manor in the West Sussex County.

What gave me the study at FHLE:

"Self-cognition and courage. Courage to develop and stand for my own goals. It gave me determination and patience. Thanks to the study at FHLE I realised the beauty that is found in gardens, especially in their historical context and meaning. During my studies I participated in Erasmus exchange mobility, which gave me a valuable experience and helped to find self-confidence and independence. "