Author: doc. Ing. Lenka Lackóová, PhD.
The key role of the quality control system in education is to increase the quality and flexibility of education through innovation and linking programmes of study through the content of the study curriculum with the needs of the knowledge society and the needs of practice, promoting collaboration between universities, R [&] D organizations and the private sector at national and international level.
External evaluation of the quality of education at universities in the Slovak Republic is carried out by the Accreditation Committee, which is an advisory body of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the SR. Its competencies include assessing the ability of universities to implement education in study programs and conducting habilitation and inaugural proceedings.
At SUA in Nitra, an internal quality assessment system is developed, according to standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). By decision of the Rector no. 2/2013, the University Quality Council was established as an advisory body for the evaluation of the quality of education at SUA. The Quality Assessment System is also in place at faculties.
The Faculty Quality Council (FQC FHLE) is the Dean’s advisory body. It is responsible for introducing and evaluating the internal quality system of the faculty. Its mission is to implement a policy in the field of quality assurance and the faculty procedures in the field of quality assurance.
FQC FHLE is responsible for:
- The overall concept of an internal quality of education assessment system at the faculty
- Coordinating the work of FQC FHLE with the University Quality Council
- Coordinating the work of committees for study programs
- spoluprácu pri stanovení kritérií, metód merania a hodnotenia kvality vzdelávacieho procesu,
- Cooperation in setting criteria, measurement methods and evaluation of the quality of the learning process
- Methodical management of continuous improvement of the quality of education
- Cooperation in reviewing the quality policy and evaluating adopted quality objectives
- The coordination of quality indicators in the educational process and their review
- Managing internal audits and the faculty's assessment reports