prof. Ing. Dušan Igaz, PhD. -
email: dusan.igaz@uniag.sk
tel.: +421 (37) 641 5410, +421 (37) 641 5245
doc. Ing. Ján Horák, PhD. -
Vice-dean for Science and Research
email: jan.horak@uniag.sk
tel.: +421 (37) 641 5244
prof. Ing. Miroslava Kačániová, PhD. -
Vice-dean for International and Public Relations
email: miroslava.kacaniova@uniag.sk
tel.: +421 (37) 641 4715
doc. Ing. arch. Roberta Štěpánková, PhD. -
Vice-dean for Education
email: roberta.stepankova@uniag.sk
tel.: +421 (37) 641 5429, +421 (37) 641 5019
Ing. Andrej Tárník, PhD. -
Vice-dean for Development
email: andrej.tarnik@uniag.sk
tel.: +421 (37) 641 5249
- Mgr. Viera Režová
Faculty Secretary
email: viera.rezova@uniag.sk
tel.: +421 (37) 641 5415