Horeca project


Prof. Ing. Miroslava Kačániová, PhD.

Horeca project

Strategies to Improve the Qualification of Hotel Restaurant Catering Staff on Food Safety and Hygiene Practices.

ID: 2021-1-SK01-KA220-VET-000034652

Objectives of the project:
♦ Support workers in the HORECA sector and reduce unfair competition in food marketing.
♦ Provide education and training opportunities for HORECA workers with low qualifications.
♦ Increase the job skills of HORECA workers who have fewer opportunities by improving their key skills.

Tools and strategies:

The tools and strategies that will be developed will enable the acquisition of new professional, social and intercultural skills thanks to the comparison with other European trainers, interpersonal skills in new work contexts; intercultural and European sensitization; language skills related to the language spoken in the host country and/or English, ICT skills derived from the use of digital and multimedia tools, etc.

The main goal of the project is to raise HORECA workers’’ digital awareness related to food safety and hygiene practices.




Prof. Ing. Miroslava Kačániová, PhD.

Partnership for innovation on the exchange of best practices and the design of joint collaborative initiatives at European level related to the awareness of the effects of contamination on human health

ID: 2023-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000164767

DURATION: 2023-2026

The main aim of the project is the development of the international and interdisciplinary cooperation partnership, along with the exchange of good practices and the design of common collaboration initiatives at the European level, in the field of awareness of the gravity of pollution and its direct effects on health, related to improvement of educational activities; strengthening translational and interdisciplinary links; stimulating the internationalisation.




Prof. Ing. Miroslava Kačániová, PhD.

Smooth Transition from Academia to a Carrier in AgroBiotechnology: Designing Carrier Plan

Agrobiotech project

ID: 2023-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000160349

DURATION: 2023-2026

AGROBIOTECH+ project aims to help students make a smooth transition from academia to the agro-biotechnology industry by providing them with the tools and resources they need to succeed. To achieve this, the project will incorporate innovative learning and teaching practices, Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach will be used to develop a designing career plan training program, success storıes vıdeo tutorıals, handbook for carrıer plannıng.

The project's main goal is to help students make a smooth transition from academia to the agrobiotechnology industry by providing them with the tools and resources they need to succeed. This focus on career planning is innovative because it addresses the gap between university learning and workplace practices and aims to increase the employability of higher education graduates.


EACEA.A – Erasmus+

Prof. Ing. Miroslava Kačániová, PhD.

Open Food Innovation University

Project ID: 101128855 — OFINU

DURATION: 2024-2027

Overall objective - to modernise food innovation and technology related higher education in UZ and TJ, thereby increasing the quality and ensuring relevance of the higher education to the needs of the socio-economic growth of the countries concerned and especially of their regions. Specific objectives: 1. Improve the quality of food processing related higher education in UZ and TJ enhance its relevance for the needs and interests of sustainable national economies, labour market and societies. 2. Create and implement innovative study form for increase of level of knowledge, skills and competencies of students and external learners thus increasing their competitiveness in the labour market and employability potential of students. 3. Promote inclusive education, create learning opportunities for the external learners of different age, social background and geographic locations. 4. Ensure professional development for academic and administrative staff. 5. Stimulate cooperation of universities and business. 6. Enhance internationalisation of CA HEIs and capacity to network eectively. Main activities: WP1 Creation of the environment for the Open Food Innovation University. WP2 Design of the Open Food Innovation University study modules, tools and process. WP3 CA’s Universities’ capacity building. WP4 Open Food Innovation University study process piloting by each respective CA university. WP5 Quality and sustainability measures. WP6 Dissemination and promotion. Expected results and persons benefiting: WP1: 15 administrative staff trained and upskilled. OFINUs integrated at 5 CA HEIs. WP2: 7 study modules and workbooks elaborated and adopted. Digital OFINU created. WP3: 50 teachers trained and upskilled. Pilot production or quality evaluation equipment acquired for CA HEIs. WP4: Study modules piloted, 100 students, 60 external learners of 30 enterprises participated. WP5: OFINU Quality assurance methodology and Sustainability plan adopted.



Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Prof. Ing. Miroslava Kačániová, PhD.

Vocational training for economic growth sectors in Central Asia: Transfer of achievement of European educational technologies in the field of food production technology in Tajikistan (TAEETT)

Project processing number: 20.2212.7-006.00

DURATION: 2023-2025

The objective of the project “Transfer of achievement of European educational technologies in the field of food production technology in Tajikistan (TAEETT)” (hereinafter referred to as ‘Project’), which is financed by this Grant, is: to support modernization of higher education in the area of technology milk and dairy products, enhancing the quality and relevance of higher education in the area of technology milk and dairy products in Tajikistan. GIZ has no entitlement to performance by the Recipient as part of this Grant.

The overall objective of this project is to support modernization of higher education in the area of technology milk and dairy products, enhancing the quality and relevance of higher education in the area of technology milk and dairy products in Tajikistan.
Specific objectives:
• To prepare up-to-date high quality training materials on dairy technologies
• Modernize teaching methods used in the training on dairy technologies
• Provide a scientific update in dairy technologies, in particular in the field of valorization of by-products
• To assess the quality pf the TJ degrees in dairy technology according to international standards
• To enhance networking among higher education institutions across Tajikistan and Slovak University of Agricultural in the field of dairy technologies.
• Organization of training courses for students, teachers and stakeholders green technology and prosessing of the "Milk waste products"
• Organization of training courses for students, teachers and stakeholders in the field of "Food Safety, Hygiene and Management"